The Project
The ACAδIMIA European Teacher Academy for Creative & Inclusive Learning will focus on the use of creative methods of teaching (elements of the Montessori method, theatre, Drama in Education, Gamification, Creative Computing etc) in diverse classrooms valorising mostly the results of previous European initiatives.
The ACAδIMIA is going to develop a Joint Curriculum on the use of Creative methods in diverse classrooms and is going to organise a series of joint teacher training activities (online workshops, Summer Campus, e-learning courses, blended learning courses, classroom-based courses etc) which will also test diverse mobility and training schemes.
In the same time, a professional Community of Practice is going to be established in order to allow for peer learning and mutual exchange of experience and expertise.
An academic publication is going to show the impact of these methods. The Academy will have a formalised structure and will develop strategic cooperation with authorities and stakeholders in order to ensure its sustainability.
It is estimated that around 900 teachers, both trainee and in-service teachers, and 10.000 students are going to benefit directly from the project activities.