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InSite’s vision is to facilitate facing the most pressing problems of our times through drama and to enable changes in understanding of individuals’ concerning their values and stance; so that they are able to act responsibly in society and become active agents of change. The organisation’s work affects primarily the youth and children age-group directly or indirectly. To achieve greater social impact we also work with decision makers, communities and higher education institutions. The organisation works on an international level, primarily in Europe, but connecting to professionals worldwide. The organisation’s work is based on theatre in education and drama in education practices pioneered in the UK creating possibilities of dramatic engagement where participants can question their received cultural values and biases through situations, and make meaning of events freely to form their own values in relation to the problems under scrutiny. The core values underlying the organisation’s work is consciousness of aims in the implementation of the projects, responsible engagement in different communities’ dynamics, thorough evaluation of all processes and a many-sided approach to the matter at hand.