Ifigenia Georgiadou
Instructor Bio
Ifigenia Georgiadou, director of the Hellenic Culture Centre(HCC) is the head and soul behind the new initiative IPHIGENIA Centre for Hellenic Studies.
Ex-Director of Studies of the “Lesvos Aeolis Cultural Development Company” and of AGROTOURISTIKI S.A. a public company on Agrotourism. Graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy in the Athens Kapodistrian University. She holds a Master Degree from the Transnational Postgraduate Programme of the University of Athens and the University of London on “Education and Human Rights”. She has been teaching Greek as a foreign for more than 35 years, and was trained in the use of theatrical techniques in teaching and is specialised in teacher training. Author of 5 books and numerous articles on teaching Modern Greek as a foreign language. She is a Master Trainer (trainer of teacher trainers) certified by the ICC International Language Association and member of its Board. Coordinator of Intercultural Education and Peace Education courses at the Hellenic Culture Centre (HCC), in Non-Governmental Organizations and other Institutions. Coordinator of more than 20 research projects on education, teaching and learning Greek, culture and online learning at national and European level. Founding member of OSMOSIS-Centre for the Arts and Intercultural Education and active member of the Civil Society in Greece. Evaluator-external expert on Adult Educators’ Certification Programmes at the National Organization for Qualifications Certification (EOPPEP). External evaluator of Erasmus plus adult education projects at the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY), at the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation INEDIVIM, and two National Agencies of Erasmus plus in Cyprus. Educator A and Educator B in the “Major Programme for Teacher Training of Greek Public Schools” of the Greek Ministry of Education. She is a member of the EUROLTA Team of the International Language Association ICC. She speaks English and French, knows Ancient Greek and Latin, and has travelled to more than 35 countries.